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La fête de la vie

Workshop concept | 2018
Self-esteem workshop visual identity design • Photography

NGO for the fight against addictions, well-being

"La fête de la vie" was born from the desire to fight against addictions of all kinds. During festive and fun events, the NGO brings together players in health, well-being and prevention to raise public awareness of addiction-related issues. It's in this context that the idea of the workshop on self-esteem was born. Sensitive subject when trying to get rid of addictive behaviors.


The objective of the workshop on self-esteem is to become stronger than one's addictions, to know how to face them and then to recognize one's values and strengths. The workshop is based on forms and on a completely invented universe so that everyone can seize it and make their own interpretation of what he or she sees. The whole is joyful and positive just like the events so that the participants have a positive vision of themselves when they leave.

Finding alignment between who we are and who we want to be.
James Noley theory over self esteem
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Self-esteem is the keystone of our life
Esteem oneself, love oneself, not devalue oneself and succeed in achieving one's goals without overestimating oneself... all these things are essential to living a life well.


This is not innate, it is cultivated.

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Sometimes not strong enough, sometimes too high, it's a happy medium that we have to find. But then, without an indicator, nor anyone to help us, how do we assess self-esteem ?
This is what the workshop La fête de la vie created aims at.
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5 key attitudes to work on your self-esteem

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Self esteem star


The participant is invited to position themselves on each of the 5 themes. Using examples, the facilitator illustrates each of them, thus, the person identifies their strengths and weaknesses.

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Self positioning on the most significant attitudes for oneself


The participant will place themselves on the cabin game elevator. To avoid any negative vision, the evaluation goes from 1 to 5 upwards and downwards. 1 corresponds to fair self-esteem.

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Key phrases to follow to boost your self-esteem

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Think of all you know how to do, no need to compare yourself, let's accept ourselves as we are

To find inner peace

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